Shipping & Delivery
We can ship our products all over India. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to all destinations. All orders are shipped within 3-4 days of order placement.
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the shipping options you choose. We have tied up with reliable courier partners to ensure the product reaches you in time and in pristine condition.
In case multiple orders of goods and services are placed in one single transaction, Jewell Stone will make all possible attempts to deliver them all in a single package. However, this might not be possible always due to some particularly different characteristics of all products. If you are placing multiple product orders in a single transaction, all the products will be delivered to only one shipping address provided by you. For getting the goods delivered to separate shipping addresses, you will be required to place different and separate orders with specific delivery addresses.
Delivery Time
The duration of delivering the order is based on the product type. Jewell Stone takes a window of 3 – 6 days for delivering the products.
We are committed to dispatching and delivering your order as early as possible.